
It is an island inhabited by bounty hunters looking to prey on the rookie pirates that just entered the Grand Line. There are four towns on the island. The strongest of the bounty hunters gather at Whiskey Peak. The island has unique cactus mountains that carved with the tombstones of the death. The log takes half a day to change. A spring island.
It is a prehistoric island filled with a dense forest. Dinosaurs rule these lands. Two giant mountain bone structures are parallel to each other on the island. There are constant volcanic eruptions. The island contains thought to be extinct fauna. It takes a full year for the log to change.
On this island the Alabasta Kingdom is located. It is an enormous island with several cities spread throughout its vast lands. Aside from the few cities, the island is mostly covered in desert. Splitting the island in half is the Sandora River. The capital city Alubarna is built on a huge rock with steep stairs proving entrance on different locations. The royal palace resides in this area. Nanohana known for its perfume it also holds the biggest port in the city. Rainbase is another big city known for its gambling. It is a Summer Island. The log change is six three days.
There are several towns spread throughout the circular island. The main town of the island is St. Poplar, also known as the Town of the Spring Queen. In this town there is also a black market. Two sea trains are operated in this zone to take people from one island to the next. It is a spring island. The log takes five days.

Route 4

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